The Culture of the Cocoa Bean – Timeline of Chocolate History

Origins in the New World
The Latin name for cocoa—Theobroma—literally means, “food of the gods.” This valuable crop played an important role in many ancient South American cultures.

In its earliest forms, the Mayans used cocoa to create a ritual beverage that was shared during betrothal and marriage ceremonies, providing one of the first known links between chocolate and romance.

For nearly 100 years after the Spaniards were introduced to chocolatl, the coveted drink of New World inhabitants, they kept the secret of its production to themselves. In the same years as Shakespeare wrote his final plays, the missionary and theologian José de Acosta wrote about cocoa from Lima, Peru, saying, “It is so much esteemed among the Indians that it is one of the richest and the greatest traffickes of New Spain.”

Chocolate Goes Mainstream
After a century, Spain lost its monopoly on the European chocolate market. By the mid-1600s, the drink made from the little brown beans had gained widespread popularity in France. It was praised as a delicious, health-giving food enjoyed by the wealthy. One enterprising Frenchman opened the first hot chocolate shop in London and by the 1700s, these “chocolate houses” were a common sight in England.

By the 18th century, every country, from England to Austria, was producing confections from the fruit of the cocoa tree. During this period, the introduction of the steam engine mechanized cocoa bean grinding, reducing production costs and making chocolate affordable to all.

Chocolate Today
From German chocolate cake to Swiss cocoa, today, people around the world enjoy chocolate in thousands of different forms, consuming more than 3 million tons of cocoa beans annually. Throughout its evolution, one thing has remained constant—chocolate has never lacked an avid following of people who love the “food of the gods.”

The work of the World Cocoa Foundation and its partners help to ensure that this valuable crop is sustained and enjoyed for many generations to come. Learn more about our impact within the cocoa community here.

1500 BC-400 BC
The Olmec Indians are believed to be the first to grow cocoa beans as a domestic crop.

250 to 900 CE
The consumption of cocoa beans was restricted to the Mayan society’s elite, in the form of an unsweetened cocoa drink made from the ground beans.

AD 600
Mayans migrate into northern regions of South America establishing earliest known cocoa plantations in the Yucatan.

14th Century
The drink became popular among the Aztec upper classes who upsurped the cocoa beverage from the Mayans and were the first to tax the beans.

The Aztecs called it “xocalatl” meaning warm or bitter liquid.

Columbus encountered a great Mayan trading canoe in Guanaja carrying cocoa beans as cargo.

Spanish explorer Hernando Cortez recorded the cocoa usage in the court of Emperor Montezuma.

Dominican friars took a delegation of Kekchi Mayan nobels to visit Prince Philip of Spain. The Mayans brought gift jars of beaten cocoa , mixed and ready to drink. Spain and Portugal did not export the beloved drink to the rest of Eurpoe for nearly a century.

16th Century Europe
The Spanish began to add cane sugar and flavorings such as vanilla to their sweet cocoa beverages.

Cocoa gained popularity as a medicine and aphrodisiac.

First official shipments of cocoa beans began arriving in Seville from Vera Cruz, Mexico.

The first chocolate house was opened in London by a Frenchman. The shop was called the The Coffee Mill and Tobacco Roll. Costing 10 to 15 shillings per pound, chocolate was considered a beverage for the elite class.

Eating solid chocolate was introduced in the form of chocolate rolls and cakes, served in chocolate emporiums.

Cocoa beans had dropped in price from $3 per being within the financial reach of those other than the very wealthy.

French inventor, Monsieur Dubuisson invented a table mill for grinding cocoa beans.

Swedish naturalist, Carolus Linnaeus was dissatisfied with the word “cocoa,” so renamed it “theobroma,” Greek for “food of the gods.”

Chocolate was introduced to the United States when Irish chocolate-maker John Hanan imported cocoa beans from the West Indies into Dorchester, Massachusetts, to refine them with the help of American Dr. James Baker. The pair soon after built America’s first chocolate mill and by 1780, the mill was making the famous BAKER’S ® chocolate.

Dr. Joseph Fry of Bristol, England, employed a steam engine for grinding cocoa beans, an invention that led to the manufacture of chocolate on a large factory scale.

Antoine Brutus Menier built the first industrial manufacturing facility for chocolate.

The pioneer of Swiss chocolate-making, François Louis Callier, opened the first swiss chocolate factory.

The invention of the cocoa press, by Conrad Van Houten, helped cut prices and improve the quality of chocolate by squeezing out some of the cocoa butter and giving the beverage a smoother consistency. Conrad Van Houten patented his invention in Amsterdam and his alkalizing process became known as “Dutching”. Several years earlier, Van Houten was the first to add alkaline salts to powdered cocoa to make it mix better with water.

A form of solid eating chocolate was developed by Joseph Fry & Sons, a British chocolate maker.

Joseph Fry & Son discovered a way to mix some of the cocoa butter back into the “Dutched” chocolate, and added sugar, creating a paste that could be molded. The result was the first modern chocolate bar.

Joseph Fry & Son and Cadbury Brothers displayed chocolates for eating at an exhibition in Bingley Hall, Birmingham, England.

Prince Albert’s Exposition in London was the first time that Americans were introduced to bonbons, chocolate creams, hand candies (called “boiled sweets”), and caramels.

Richard Cadbury created the first known heart-shaped candy box for Valentine’s Day.

John Cadbury mass-marketed the first boxes of chocolate candies.

Daniel Peter of Vevey, Switzerland, experimented for eight years before finally inventing a means of making milk chocolate for eating.

Daniel Peter and Henri Nestlé joined together to form the Nestlé Company.

Rodolphe Lindt of Berne, Switzerland, produced a more smooth and creamy chocolate that melted on the tongue. He invented the “conching” machine. To conch meant to heat and roll chocolate in order to refine it. After chocolate had been conched for seventy-two hours and had more cocoa butter added to it, it was possible to create chocolate “fondant” and other creamy forms of chocolate.

The first known published recipe for chocolate brownies appeared in the Sears and Roebuck Catalogue.

Canadian, Arthur Ganong marketed the first nickel chocolate bar. William Cadbury urged several English and American companies to join him in refusing to buy cacao beans from plantations with poor labor conditions.

Swiss confiseur Jules Sechaud of Montreux introduced a machine process for manufacturing filled chocolates.

Belgian chocolatier, Joseph Draps starts the Godiva Company to compete with Hershey’s and Nestle’s American market.

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